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Lamprey River Watershed Association


    About Us

    The Lamprey River Watershed Association (LRWA) was formed in 1980 to promote the restoration, conservation, wise development and use of the natural resources of the Lamprey River Watershed. Conserving fish and wildlife, forests, soil and water resources along with pollution abatement are key goals of the Association. Through education and research, the LRWA will work to increase the understanding among citizens about the importance of water and land conservation in the watershed.

    The Lamprey River Watershed Association works in partnership with other conservation organizations and citizen groups to maintain or improve the natural health and beauty of the watershed. The Lamprey Watershed Association, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.

    Lamprey River Watershed Association History

    • 1978: Stafford Regional Planning Commission established study group to prepare a master plan for conservation within the county.
    • 1980: LRWA established as a 501C3 organization.
    • 1982: Lower Lamprey listed on the inventory of potential Wild and Scenic Rivers: Lee, Durham, Newmarket.
    • 1987: Wild and Scenic River Proposal begun in response to proposed hydroelectric development of Wiswall Falls.
    • 1989: Lamprey nominated as Protected River by NHDES in the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program.
    • 1991: Congress authorized a 3 year study for eligibility as a Wild and Scenic River.
    • 1992 – Today: Water quality monitoring conducted on an annual basis.
    • 1995: Improvements made to the Epping Waste Water Treatment Facility, largely due to the efforts of the LRWA, and supported by funding from Congress.
    • 1996: HR 1099 was passed by Congress, designating the Lamprey River as Wild and Scenic in Lee, Durham, and parts of Newmarket.
    • 1996: Lamprey River Advisory Committee (LRAC) Established
    • 1998: Volunteer River Assessment Program began on the Lamprey with 13 volunteers sampling water at seven stations.
    • 2000: Epping section of the Lamprey River included in the Wild and Scenic designation.
    • 2005: Twenty five volunteers sampling water quality on the Lamprey, North River and Little River.
    • 2007: LRWA receives grant from NH DES to conduct Streamwalk 2008, an assessment of the entire length of the main branch of the Lamprey River.
    • 2008: LRWA Board of Directors completes updated strategic plan – a vision for the watershed.
    • 2010: The entire Lamprey River as well as the North Branch, Pawtuckaway, North, Little and Piscassic Rivers are nominated to the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program.
    • 2011: The New Hampshire Legislature passes a bill to expand the Rivers Management and Protection Program to the headwaters of the Lamprey River as well as the five major tributaries.  This is the first WATERSHED APPROACH designated river in NH history.
    • 2012: Hosted release of 100 year floodplain maps that account for increased rainfall intensities with climate change
    • 2013: Celebrated 30 Years of working for a clean and healthy watershed!